We all love to hear and tell stories. Stories connect us to the landscape, give meaning to our lives and provide a means of passing on knowledge, wisdom and behavioural norms in a cultural context. Natural environments provide a wonderful space in which to explore our relationship to ecological systems and to creatively engage ourselves with vibrant matter of our world.
These trips are designed to stimulate students’ imaginative faculties and give them a forum in which to creatively explore their place and role in the world. We will explore a range of mythological archetypes and bring the landscape to life through storytelling activities, developing original dramas, theatrical skits and develop their communication and performance skills.
This is a great way to encourage students to experience the power of their imaginations and to constructively express themselves in the wild!
Experiences in nature can really help students to develop their communication skills and explore positive interpersonal relationships and healthy social interactions. These tailored trips are designed to foster positive group dynamics, develop class bonding and cooperative team building skills. Common themes include; conflict resolution, mediation, bullying, cooperation and leadership skills. A trip of this kind dramatically improves dysfunctional group/class dynamics and can help to establish a coherent and healthy social atmosphere in class.
It can also be an important way to mark key transitional stages in a student’s educational journey, such as graduations, or forming a new class at the beginning of a semester. These trips are designed to help students get to know each other, bond and create a healthy group identity. Celebration and ritual elements can also be incorporated and are fun ways of highlighting key developmental stages and rites of passage.
Students around the world are benefiting from being introduced to basic mindfulness practices during their school education. Mindfulness practices are simple methods to consciously connect with our body, spirit and mind in the present moment.
These practices are powerful tools to help students cultivate openess and receptivity and develop a heightened quality of attention, concentration and sensitivity. Simple breathing exercises and basic meditation techniques help students cultivate their internal peace and discover methods to help them relax and become more centred and calm. Doing these practices in nature increases their observational powers and overall awareness and kindles a sense of awe and wonder at being alive and part of the web of life.
These workshops take place in natural places of great beauty and are a rich and rewarding way for students to explore their relationships with nature, rejoice in its sacred reverence and develop tools to help them increase their powers of concentration and focus.
+39 3421363274
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