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Ecowise Italy

Ecowise Italy: Bringing nature to learning, bringing learning to life!

Ecowise Italy connects people to nature through storytelling, mindfulness and unplugged-outdoor adventure. Our playful originality, passion and expert mentoring arouse ecological awareness and insight into our kinship and interconnectedness with our living world inspiring a healthy, beautiful future.

Who we are

About Ecowise

Our programs compliment and reinforce school teaching and syllabuses by providing an educational arena in which children relate their classroom learning and knowledge to real processes, structures and ecosystems.

We are based in the north-western Italian region of Piemonte and conduct our programs in its unspoiled nature, making full use of the area’s spectacular terrain and precious ecological biodiversity.

Our zone has just been declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This acknowledges its unique and very special character.


What we offer Schools

Science, Ecology & Environment Field trips
Learning is deepened when students get out of the classroom...
Science, Ecology & Environment Field trips
Learning is deepened when students get out of the classroom and immersed in the real world. Environmental issues and abstract ideas take on new meanings when students encounter living systems first hand...
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Outdoor Service Education Projects
Ecowise helps school groups to create service education projects ...
Outdoor Service Education Projects
Ecowise helps school groups to create service education projects focused on environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation. These activities are practical ways to explore ideas of citizenship and social responsibility ...
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Team Building & Wild Rites of Passage
We all love to hear and tell stories. Stories connect us to the landscape..
Team building & Workshops
We all love to hear and tell stories. Stories connect us to the landscape, give meaning to our lives and provide a means of passing on knowledge, wisdom and behavioural norms in a cultural context….
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Residential field trips
Our exciting residential field trips provide students with...
Residential field trips
Our exciting residential field trips provide students with an opportunity to have fun and valuable interdisciplinary learning experiences in spectacular locations.
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Storytelling & Drama Experiences in Nature
Experiences in nature can really help students to develop...
Storytelling & Drama Experiences in Nature
Experiences in nature can really help students to develop their communication skills and explore positive interpersonal relationships and healthy social interactions...
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Mindfulness & Nature Awareness Workshops
These camps are designed to provide in depth ‘nature emersion...
Mindfulness & Nature Awareness Workshops
These camps are designed to provide in depth ‘nature emersion’ experiences and unforgettable adventures in the wilderness. Students learn about the fundamentals of ecoliteracy ...
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What They Say..